Definitely a nice start you have here. Especially the fast strings are very cool and give some kind retro feeling from some 70´s tracks. The drums sound als nice and the tom fill at 0.14 is a treat as well. Some things you really need to improve is the mix. The track starts at very low volume, gets very loud and suddenly very quiet again. A bit of dynamic is good especially for cinematic stuff but this is a bit to extreme and the loudness changes are too abrupt. Also sometimes some instruments are too loud compared to the others like the drums and the violins at about 0.12. Try to adjust the volume levels of the single tracks and maybe use a limiter for clipping tracks and some compression in general.
You also asked where you can go with this track. I would say it´s a matter of taste, especially yours ;) But probably that doesn´t help a lot. Some suggestions I have: Take some of the themes you already used (like the one starting at 0.16) and try to variate or develope them. You could also play with the instrumentation or playing techniques. Like taking the theme and let it play slowly from some legato violins, maybe with some sustain string chords below it and then increasing the drive again by fastening and changing back to the staccattos. You can always use more instruments in your orchestration (like some brass or maybe some woodwinds playing some chord arpeggios).
Another approach would be to give this track a more regular song structure by taking your part as an intro and develope the track by shifts between "verse" and "chorus" (maybe also developed out of themes from your intro).
These are just some ideas I would throw in. Hope it helps a bit...
Anyway, really nice start here! I like it ;)