Okay... Now the developement of the track was unexpected after this beginning. It starts indeed like some bard theme in a tavern of some vintage jrpg or something. The step by step it moves over to a more trance like track and back mixing both genres.... That´s interesting and I like it although it feels a bit unconsistent some times. You have some nice catchy melodies and mix-wise it sounds very clear to me. I think the end is a bit sudden, which is a pity after the long developement... What you definitely should do is to work on your humanization (yes I always say that). Every tone you play seems to be 100% quantized and played with the same velocity. Vary velocities and emphsize the main hits in a bar (The 1 and the quarters with a bit more velocity, semiquavers a bit less except you want strong syncopation). Especially vary thevelocities on the drums around 1 min. And don´t quantize everything by 100%. In the pure electric parts this works but if you hear a "real" instrument playing that just sounds very unnatural and robotic... The drop around 1:30 feels a bit long. Either try to build it up a bit more or make it slightly shorter. All these are just small suggestion to make this already cool track a little bit more cool ;)